[만능 Prompt 공개] 너무 쉬운 ChatGPT로 영어 내신 시험 출제 스트레스 해방되기 2 - 프롬프트 구조, 일치/불일치

발행일 : 2023-10-08 13:10  

지난 번 글에서 만능 프롬프트를 공개했는데, 반응이 상당했더랬죠



[만능 프롬프트 설명]

이번 글에서는 프롬프트를 잘 만드는 방법에 대해서 소개하고, 일치 불일치 문제 만드는 법도 소개하고자 합니다.


다른 문제를 만드실 때도 거의 비슷하게 활용하실 수 있답니다 ^^


[만능 프롬프트로 일치/불일치 문제 만들기]

지문은 능률 중2 교과서 3단원 Reading입니다.

아래 프롬프트를 바로 복붙해서 ChatGPT에 넣어보실래요?

Hello, this is food reporter Minjun from Korea. For many students, lunch is the best part of the school day. In Korea, we often eat rice and soup for lunch. We also have side dishes, such as Bulgogi or Gimchi. Sometimes our school serves special dishes, such as pizza, Bibimbap, or pasta. What do students who live in other countries eat for lunch? Let’s hear from our food reporters!

Belle, France
Our school serves healthy and balanced meals. We usually eat a salad as an appetizer. Main dishes often include meat or fish. We also eat fresh fruit at the end of the lunch. Oh, I can never forget about baguettes! They’re great with cheese. Our school also has a special rule. We must stay at the lunch table for at least 30 minutes.

Bruno, Brazil
Usually, we have beans and rice for lunch. Meat and vegetables are common in our side dishes. My favorite lunch comes with plantains. A plantain is a fruit which looks like a banana. We usually fry plantains. Our school lunches are fresh because the vegetables and fruit come from local farms.

Nicole, Singapore
People who live in Singapore come from many different cultures, so we have both Eastern and Western dishes at lunch. Students can choose from many dishes, such as curry, noodle soup, or pasta, each day. My school won an award for healthy school food last year. Our lunches are always healthy, and they taste good, too!

Which school lunch do you want to try? Does it have anything in common with your school lunch? Please leave your comments at www.chopchoplunch.com.



Act as if you are a quiz maker.

Make options for the stem according to the conditions below.
Stem: Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

Provide 10 options for the correct answers.
Provide 10 options for the wrong answers. They should be attractive enough to be mistaken for an incorrect answer.

Use only CEFR B1 level words.

Provide your explanation for each option.



이번에도 정답지 10개, 오답지 10개가 뚝딱 만들어졌습니다!

이 중에서 이상한 것들을 골라내시면 됩니다 ^^





안녕하세요? 더 나은 교사가 되기 위해 노력하는 박석경입니다. 😄

⭐강의 전문 분야⭐
- 학급경영, 생활교육
- 안전한 교실을 위한 교사용 자기방어술
- 에듀테크, 크롬북, G-suite
- 영어 독서교육 (Extensive Reading)
- 영어과 수업사례 공유 (과정중심평가, 형성평가, 동기부여)


"아이들을 사랑하는 것만으로는 부족합니다. 

그들이 사랑받고 있음을 알도록 사랑하십시오."

                                           - 성 요한 보스코



